Top tips for making budget friendly family meals with Organix and the No Junk Journey!
I’m really excited to announce that I’m back working with Organix and their No Junk Journey for 2017. To kick off this year we’re talking all things family meals and budgeting!
I read a shocking statistic recently that the average family in the UK throws away £700 of food every year. £700 – that’s insane! And could mean the difference between taking a family holiday every year or not. But however shocked we are by this, most of us probably struggle to eat all the food that we bring into the house. Lack of planning and panic shopping are usually the reasons why I end up with excess food that gets chucked in the bin.
Organix have created this really useful tip list showing how simple changes can help you feed your family for less this year.
Meal Planning
Since the beginning of this year I have been making a real effort to cut down on food waste, reduce our grocery budget and also eat healthy family meals. And the number one thing that’s helped me achieve this is meal planning.
Meal planning doesn’t have to be difficult, or complicated or even boring. Each week I look through my fridge, freezer and cupboards and see what foods I have to use. I then build a meal plan around this and make a shopping list of what food I need to buy.
Not only does this help me to use up food that I already have in the house, it also stops me buying those random items that often tempt you in the supermarket or that are on special offer!
To make meal planning super easy I’ve created a free printable. All you need to do is click HERE, print it off, fill it out for the week and then stick it on the fridge!
Along with meal planning, I am a big believer in cooking in bulk and using up leftovers. We often turn our nose up at leftovers as it can be a bit boring to eat the same thing two days in a row. But there are so many ways to turn last night’s dinner into today’s tasty feast, check out some of my examples below!
If you have any tips and tricks for saving money whilst still eating healthy as a family, let me know in the comments below. And you can join in the conversation online using the hashtag #NoJunkJourney.

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